Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Alhamdulillah, walaupun mggu ni hujan and sejuk, tp still ada juga baur2 kepanasan menyinggah di bumi Lancaster. Dapatlah kiranya menyidai basuhan di luar rumah walaupun tidak menharapkan ia kering, at least dpt membuang hampir 70% air basuhan. Selebihnya dikeringkanoleh alat yg dipanggil heater. Walaupun hakikatnya heater ni utk memanaskan rumah, tp kebanyakan kami menjadikan ia sbg tmpt mengeringkan pakaian juga. kiranya 2 in 1 function.

Wajahah, anak sulungku, sudah hampir sebulan bercuti dari sekolah. Jadi untuk menghilangkan keboringan anak2 yg bergelumang bermain di rumah, dapatlah juga membawa mereka utk bermain di luar. Berbasikal dan berlari2 anak, menceriakan suasana petang. Aku ni malas nak main sama2, segan pulak memndangkan ia di dalam kawasan blok kediaman. Jadi ambil peluang baca buku2 ilmiah dan menyedarkan diri atas kelekaan mengejar duniawi. Buku 'The Stories of Repentence' menjadi teman sambil memerhatikan gelagat 'makcik kecilku' itu.

Walau best benarpun tempt org, tmpt sendiri lagi best. Hmm..mudah2an urusan PhDku dan rakan2 ku dipermudahkan dan pulang membawa kejayaan. amin..

Progress 17 August

This week, my progress is concentrating on the paper draft and BitTorrent code. Alhamdulillah, part of the additional codes are running. The additional code is something related to getting router MAC address and node's signal strength. Now the target is to combine them in the BitTorrent code. Hopefully, it will work by the end of this week.
About the paper, need to work more on the design part as discussed with my supervisors on Monday.

Friday, 17 July 2009

This Week Progress (13-17July)

For record purpose only.
Monday :
Meeting as usual. Dr Nick asked me to get ready with the new tracking module for all Lancaster student. Updates current progress to him and get responses. He advice me to have a rapid mode to learn Python. Output expected for this week are:
a) python coding that include the calculation of hop counts/average RTT/bandwidth between two hosts, and
b) draft paper about the proposed mechanism for p2p streaming.

Planning to start with the coding development. But before move into it, try to install the Python IDE debugger as suggested by supv that is ERIC Python IDE. However, this application is quite complicated as it has several pre-requisite software that are hardly configured. I moved to install IEEEtran into the micTeX program. After a while browsing the net, I finally found the way to update a new package into the program. Alhamdullah, I manage to installed and then may proceed to write paper using LaTeX. Then, resume to the Python IDE. Because it was still not working, at last I try to find other application. I found several alternatives and select eclipse application. The requirements are not too much, only need to have pre-installed J2SE 6.0 Update 14 and Python 2.6. When the installation of eclipse is done, the next step is to configure and install PyDev via the eclipse Help menu. However, although carefully follow the instructions, the process is failed. The error was about the proxy and bla..bla.. It is an awful process and I was very tired and had back pain. Rushed home and continue back to work. At home, I was using the home network with my laptop. Alhamdulillah, the configuration and installation was successful and working extremely brilliant. I can proceed with the coding tomorrow.

1. Try to install eclipse at office. However, I experienced the similar error as yesterday which make me jump into the conclusion that it was related to the proxy stuff.
2. Develop the code
Start with the ping module.

1. Continue with the second module
traceroute module. took more time and only because of the regex pattern that was not working.
2. Bandwidth module
Still finding ways to calculate bandwidth at the end host.

1. Focusing on the paper draft. - add the challenge and motivation part.