Wednesday 23 July 2008


Sesudah jatuh, sekarang ni dah dpt semangat baru utk memulakan kembali tugas sbg pelajar. Alhamdulillah. Mmglah adat kan jadi student. sekejap down sekejap up. up and down lah kiranya.
Tugas sekrg nak filter P2P drpd tcpdump data yg diambil dr Wray network. Tp nmpknya dr default rule dlm snort mmg tak blh nak capture any P2P. So, kenalah create rule sndri. Tp masalah nya tcpdump yg ada ni cuma first 68 bytes size header. Tak taulah cukup ke idak info nya. Still under investigation. Satu lagi, mcm tak sure kenapa output tcp dlm format 5 tuple in separate file tak synchonous dgn apa yg ada dlm tcpdump format. Sbb klu ikutkan dlm 5 tuple tuh dpt detect sport 6881 (bittorrent). But once check dlm tcpdump, there is nothing match with the flow. Hmm..akukah yg salah or mmg data incomplete. Dah ajukan pd supv dan tgh chk katanya. Tak blh nak buat apa sbb tuh data dia.
And then skrg aku beralih tgk ns2 pulak. Guna pakai code dr Sbai et al. from this link . At the moment still ada error. So, tgh work on it. Hopefully bolehlah run lepas ni. Dah letih lah makcik ni.


Mrs Azliza said...

Salam weed..lama tul tak dgr kabar ko..aku dpt blog ko dr link faei..nanti citela pengalaman kat sana k..teringin gak ikut jejak langkah ko tapi..nanti dulu la hehe..insya allah doakan ye..

Hilmi & Faeizah said...

weed, sehat ke? ape eksperiment ko buat nih...ape2pun semoga sehat2 selalu...

Sidney Doria said...

I'm looking for this source code ( Do you have it? Would you please send it to me?
ssdoria .@.

Tanks in advance.